Civil War Years in Jefferson County, Virginia

*PREORDER* Civil War Years in Jefferson County, Virginia

No time period in history has more impact on Jefferson County citizens than the Civil War years. Those four years saw families uprooted, homes, farms and livelihoods destroyed, and the end of six decades of arms production at Harpers Ferry. For some, the war crashed through their walls and defeaning terror. For others, it led to freedom and education. And whether by choice or not, Jefferson Countians entered the war as Virginians and left as West Virginians. 

In his first book, historian P. Douglas Perks--"Mr. Jefferson County"--uses his decades of research and writing on the topic, along with rare first person accounts of four citizens who endured these tenuous years. Perks also brings new focus to the statewide issue of secession. No state in the Union was more divided over this issue, and perhaps no other country. Who would cast their lot with the destiny of Virginia and who would remain "firmly attached to the Union of these States"? 

Publisher: Harpers Ferry Park Association. Paperback, 158 pages. Measures 6" x 9" x 0.5". Weighs 9.7 oz.

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