Harpers Ferry Park Association

HFPA Membership Lunch

Annual Meeting Buffet Lunch

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Please join us on September 7th for our Annual Meeting, a day dedicated to celebrating our members and their invaluable support of Harpers Ferry National Historical Park.Enjoy a catered lunch with friends at our annual meeting and hear about the achievements of the past year and exciting initiatives on the horizon.Catered Buffet Lunch Cost: $20.00 per Person 
Burton Drawings at Harpers Ferry: The Emergence of 19th Century Drafting Practice at the U.S. Armories

Burton Drawings at Harpers Ferry: The Emergence of 19th Century Drafting Practice at the U.S. Armories

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James Henry Burtonspent ten eventful years at the Harpers Ferry Armory. During this tenure, he perfected an elongated bullet for the regulation .58-caliber rifle-musket—commonly called the Minié bullet—helped test and perfect new lock mechanisms, barrel rifling, and machinery. Burton’s drawings range from simple sketches used to flesh out components of operating mechanisms to dimensioned, hand-tinted drawings of firearm components and complex machinery. According to John Symington, Supt. of the Harpers Ferry Armory, Burton’s “management was so satisfactory, and his ingenuity in devising, draughting and perfecting tools and machines so marked, as to cause me at once to select him as a fit person to fill the position of Master Armorer…” The Burton Drawings at Harpers Ferry focuses on the remarkable achievements of James H. Burton during his 10-year tenure at the Harpers Ferry Armory. Burton’s notes, sketches, and detailed drawings teach us a great deal about the emergence of 19th century drafting practice and the evolution of firearm technology during the decade preceding the civil war. Author: David T. Gilbert. Publisher: Harpers Ferry Park Association. Paperback, 64 pages. Measures 8.5" x 8.5" x 0.2". Weighs 5.8 oz.
Color Harpers Ferry

Color Harpers Ferry

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Color a visit to Harpers Ferry National Historical Park with these 25 scenes hand drawn by one of the park's very own volunteer artists. Discover historic places, wildlife, amazing views, and fun facts about this national park. Publisher: Harpers Ferry Park Association. Paperback, 31 pages. Measures 8.5" x 11". Weighs 4.8 oz.
Confluence: Harpers Ferry As Destiny

Confluence: Harpers Ferry As Destiny

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One place. Countless stories. Harpers Ferry has long been a gathering point of the American story. From explorers and innovators to warriors and reformers, passionate souls with wildly diverse causes have flowed again and again into this tiny village, shaping the town--and, in many cases, the country.Focusing on personal, human experiences recorded in journals, letters, and other documents, Confluence: Harpers Ferry as Destiny offers a view of Harpers Ferry history that is both sweeping and intimate. Come: Discover the national dramas that have converged at Harpers Ferry. Slavery and the quest for freedom. War, expansion, and revolution. Natural disaster upon natural disaster, and the enduring human spirit that has refused to relinquish hope.Published in honor of Harpers Ferry National Historical Park’s 75th anniversary, Confluence also includes perspective on the rebirth of this war- and flood-ravaged town as a national park. Under the stewardship of NPS, Harpers Ferry has continued to evolve, continued to reveal new stories. Author: Dennis E. Frye & Catherina Mägi Oliver. Publisher: Harpers Ferry Park Association. Paperback, 225 pages. Measures 7" x 10" x 0.5". Weighs 1 lb. 4.6 oz.

Harpers Ferry Bookshop Ornament

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Ornament of the John G. Wilson building, home of the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park bookshop. Built of rough cast stone by John G. Wilson between 1825-1826, the first floor of this building on historic Shenandoah Street in Harpers Ferry has been occupied by a variety of commercial enterprises, including post office, lunch room, pool hall, and tailor shop. The upper floors housed residents, travelers, and boarders for nearly two centuries. Today it is home to the Harpers Ferry Park Association, which operates the National Park Bookshop to support the educational and interpretive programs of Harpers Ferry National Historical Park. Ornament measures 3.25" x 1.5". Weighs 1.1 oz.
BOOKMARK 50th anniversary

HFPA 50th Anniversary Bookmark

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Golden clip bookmark featuring the Harpers Ferry Park Association 50th Anniversary logo. Measures 2" x 1.5". Weighs 0.3 oz.

HFPA Logo Magnet

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Magnet featuring the HFPA logo. Text reads: Harpers Ferry Park Association.Measures 3" x 2". Weighs 0.9 oz.

HFPA Logo Pin

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Collectible lapel pin featuring the Harpers Ferry Park Association logo.Pin measures 1.1" x 1.1". Weighs 0.4 oz.

HFPA Logo Sticker

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Sticker featuring the HFPA logo. Text reads: Harpers Ferry Park Association. Sticker measures 3.5" x 3.5".
Man of Sterling Worth: Professor William A. Saunders of Storer College

Man of Sterling Worth: Professor William A. Saunders of Storer College

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A Storer alumnus, Professor Saunders was the longest serving black teacher at the school. A resident of Harpers Ferry for 54 years, he was a trusted spiritual leader and well-known figure throughout the thriving African American community then living beyond Storer’s campus. Author: Lynn Pechuekonis. Publisher: Harpers Ferry Park Association. Paperback, 143 pages. Measures 6" x 9" x 0.25". Weighs 9.8 oz.